Thursday, December 06, 2007

Mother Dear.

When you think of the word mother what comes to mind?
A picture of two children enveloped in their mothers arms?
A mother and child sharing a hot chocolate, both have big smiles pasted on their faces?
A picture of a bottle of wine half-empty, a mother nearby slurring and stumbling uncontrollably as the child hides out in the bedroom?

You have become your worst fear mother dear.
You are your own mother, a drunk who no one wants to be near.
A woman who was once someone worth knowing, now someone to stay clear of.
Now I will have the pleasure of telling my children, "Your grandmother was once an amazing mother. Believe me, I know it doesn't show now, but she was really something before."
People will scoff and disregard when I try to defend what's left of you.
I cannot believe it has come to this, you have turned into this. Your worst nightmare.
All those empty promises, all those lies, all that hope evaporating.
All those dreams I had of your full recovery. There is no one left to blame Mother, no one but yourself.
"I'm sorry" has become your catchphrase. You have become predictable, unworthy of praise.
Some might even say unworthy of the love give forth to you.
This game you are playing, this "schedule" of yours, won't work anymore.
I don't want to be understanding, you have no condition, no illness, you are killing yourself.
I am tired of making excuses for you, I am tired of saying one day you will come around.
I am tired of hoping you will make it out and be the way you once were.
I am tired of you.
Carry me around with you when it's convenient for you.
Make sure you remember me while you're out and about.
Drag me behind as you look at what interests you most.
Put me down when you've had enough and leave me be.
I am only here for you, I do not matter in this.
Run around hysterically when you have forgotten where you placed me.
Only to buy another to make sure you have one for comfort.
I am nothing to you, nothing but an audience.
Your sole witness to your pitiful existence, your cowardly life.
The words that come forth from your mouth are disgusiting and always self-centered.
You drink from the bottle as if it is the elixir of youth.
Perhaps, that is why you have such trouble putting it down.
Oh how I wish to break free of you.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


The ground beneath me is splitting open, threatening to swallow me whole.
I'm wandering around this wasteland trying to find somewhere to hide.
You've always told me I can run from you but I'd never be able to hide.
Who knew I'd have to try and fight you to stay alive.
My mind is hazy and my thoughts are jumbled.
I'm wondering how far I'am away from you.
The sky is bleak and the vultures are circling above, waiting.
How long have I got before I start to fall apart.
Am I to be their next meal?
I search for you everywhere, afraid you'll be around the next corner.
My life is endanger but I keep wanting to hand over my heart to the grim reaper.
Your shadow is haunting me...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Deceitful Maiden

Oh deceitful maiden, how you look so lovely and innocent to me.
Those eyes of yours have evil lurking behind them.
Trouble is brewing deep within your heart, I can feel your demons looming.
How I wish to tear you in two, save the better half of you for myself.
And yet you remain unfaithful to those who let your stories wash over them.
Your many followers and admirers, oh how they beg for you to be their queen.
Have they seen what lies behind your smiles and empty promises?
Do they not realize their queen is nothing but an imposter?
You are quite a sinister creature, reaching out with your claws and smiling with your teeth bared.
You are the picture and they are the frame, oh they burn for you my darling.
And you'll let them burn to the ground.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


He torments her with his words, leaves her with bundles of cash and no sense of fulfillment
His empty promises and pecks on the cheek leave her feeling diminished and lonely
At night she reaches for him but his place in bed is empty until the early morning
Tears are what comforts her and the desperate thoughts that maybe he is working late
All her precious possesions are nothing more than meaningless bribes to keep her
She isn't blind, when they go out, she see's the pitiful looks that come her way
Everyone knows but she just can't seem to let him go
His smirk of satisfaction makes her sick, the hickies on his neck weren't from her and she knows
But she keeps lying to herself, hoping he'll change, but he never does and he never will

Every night she gives herself willingly hoping this time he'll realise he's been a fool
But the joke's on her yet again, his seed spread and now she's his prisoner
Forever attached, forever trapped, forever imprisoned
Flashbacks of his angry growls and painful slaps make her realise,
This life inside of her cannot be born this way
Rushing out into the bathroom, the bottle awaits her
Her fate is sealed with the last swallow of water
What's done is done, this seed will never grow.


Alone in a corner,she waits
Voices pounding in her head, knife held in her hand
Wishing she never had to leave, wishing she never had to live this way
All she wanted was live life happily, not raped by her mental illness
Couldn't take the pressures of everyday things, everyday people
She wasn't an everyday kind of girl
Moods struck her like blows from a fist, hard and painful
Her heart was bruised and bloody, her soul was cracked in so many places
Hugs and kisses were replaced by threats and put downs
No one in her family would even take the time to throw her a bread crumb
Realising she was all alone, she decided there was just nothing to go on for
Yet in the seemingly endless darkness, a tiny flicker of light shone
Hope was dim but not gone, maybe after all she could live on...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Scum Of The Earth

Your a pathetic, disguisting disease. You infect desperate men who will do anything for a fuck.
Your a money hungry whore who swallows anything she can and doesn't give anything back.
Everyone walks by and spits on you as you sit there wearing your globs of eyeliner, layers of lip stick, hiked up mini skirt and slut heels, just begging for a dollar.
You use people and suck up everything you can, your a greedy bitch.
You think the world revolves around you but in fact the world wants nothing but to be rid of you.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Good Intentions.

The father held his newborn daughter in his arms for the first time.
He wasn't able to tell her of all the things he would shield her from as she grew up.
He just stared down at her as she reached for him.
Tears escaped his eyes and he was amazed at how much he loved this little girl already.
He looked over at his wife and held her hand and smiled.
They finally had a family.

Years went by and the little girl grew up and her daddy watched her from the sidelines.
He worked all night and slept all day and when he could he hugged her every now and again.
Never did the thought occur to him that she wanted to spend time with him.
The man had good intentions but then again who doesn't?

Eventually their family fell apart, he had forgotten the love he felt the day she was born.
The girl learned as time went by that he was far too busy for hugs anymore.
The mother learned that he was too wrapped up in work to realise he had a family at home.
The father never learned what he had lost and by then it was too late for all of them.

Now he has a new family and sends cheques so the two of them can survive without him.
The truth is they had learned to survive without him even while he was still there.
To this day he still wonders why things turned out the way they did, he had such good intentions.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Dark Beauty

Who was to know that there was evil deep in her heart?
There was always that look in her eye, that untold desire to destroy.
She'd knock down anyone who came in her way, killed all those she supposedly loved.
Her mind was poisoned and her heart was black.
Her one true love was the drugs.
She was a maniac but hasn't it been proven that maniacs are the most intelligent of us all?

She had more will-power and determination than any cut throat buisnessman
Her reign of terror was spread out far and wide and she took over more land than Hitler in WII
No one knew her name but her story was told for many years
She was a such a mystery to us all ...

Empty Girl, Filled With Fake Emotion.

Her pain is bare on her arms and on the scarlett soaked tissues.
There is no cure for her disease, she's easily pleased.
She spouts poison and will infect you at any given moment.
She takes what she can and gives nothing back.
Her skin gleams with steel and is hidden under fake colours that shine brighter than the sun.
Her heart is small, colder than ice and darker then the darkest night
She takes anything that will numb her for awhile.
She refuses her true cure, allowing herself to fall deeper into her pain filled hole.
She'll push your buttons, she wants you begging for more.
She feeds off of attention, she despises those who question her fame.
Her fan club consists of two lonely fools.
The love of her life has her on a tight leash.
She stands tall infront of all the world but inside she's a scared little girl.
It's a crazy world out there and she's stuck still wishing her life away.