Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Deceitful Maiden

Oh deceitful maiden, how you look so lovely and innocent to me.
Those eyes of yours have evil lurking behind them.
Trouble is brewing deep within your heart, I can feel your demons looming.
How I wish to tear you in two, save the better half of you for myself.
And yet you remain unfaithful to those who let your stories wash over them.
Your many followers and admirers, oh how they beg for you to be their queen.
Have they seen what lies behind your smiles and empty promises?
Do they not realize their queen is nothing but an imposter?
You are quite a sinister creature, reaching out with your claws and smiling with your teeth bared.
You are the picture and they are the frame, oh they burn for you my darling.
And you'll let them burn to the ground.

1 comment:

Andy Alt said...

Your writing seems to be coming along quite well from when I first started reading you. I'm not much of a critic, and I don't have technical knowledge of the English or Canadian language though. :) Canada, eh, I think you need add more 'eh's to your posts. :)

When you write, the best stuff you'll ever write will flow out of your fingers, you'll hardly even have to think about what you write. I got a good sense of that in your post here.