Wednesday, November 08, 2006


He torments her with his words, leaves her with bundles of cash and no sense of fulfillment
His empty promises and pecks on the cheek leave her feeling diminished and lonely
At night she reaches for him but his place in bed is empty until the early morning
Tears are what comforts her and the desperate thoughts that maybe he is working late
All her precious possesions are nothing more than meaningless bribes to keep her
She isn't blind, when they go out, she see's the pitiful looks that come her way
Everyone knows but she just can't seem to let him go
His smirk of satisfaction makes her sick, the hickies on his neck weren't from her and she knows
But she keeps lying to herself, hoping he'll change, but he never does and he never will

Every night she gives herself willingly hoping this time he'll realise he's been a fool
But the joke's on her yet again, his seed spread and now she's his prisoner
Forever attached, forever trapped, forever imprisoned
Flashbacks of his angry growls and painful slaps make her realise,
This life inside of her cannot be born this way
Rushing out into the bathroom, the bottle awaits her
Her fate is sealed with the last swallow of water
What's done is done, this seed will never grow.

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